Project Logo
project logo
We organized a logo competition among our students in order to design a creative logo for our project. This competition was announced simultaneously in all partner schools. At the end of a preparation process that lasted about 3 weeks, the partner schools shared the prepared logos with the coordinator school. The coordinator created an online survey and the logo that received the most votes was determined as our project logo.
Winner Announcement of Let’s Make Ideas Happen Logo Design Competition 🥇🏆🔊
A huge round of applause to all the talented participants who had participated in the Logo design contest. Their participation made the competition a roaring success!
We received a total of 5,208 votes and the winner logo is Talia Atalay from İstanbul Göztepe İhsan Kurşunoğlu Anadolu Lisesi. Congratulations!
Winner Logo
Some of the other competing designs
Competitor Videos