Serbia LTT Activities
Serbia LTT Activities
TITLE: Let's Create Open Source Learning Platform Moodles Our Students
First mobility held in September 2021, Serbia-Subotica. Participants: 19 Guest Teachers 9 Local Teachers. The meeting was intended for teachers/who are going to create and facilitate self-paced courses “Let’s Make Ideas Happen” on open source learning platform moodle for their students. The idea was to introduce the latest trends in teaching and learning: 06.09.2021: Opening ceremony. Meeting with school Staff / Introduction of School. Presentation of host team (My school – My city – My country) and tour around the school, Sight-seeing with a tour guide 07.09.2021: Training – introduction to the principles of CLIL (blended learning), Training – applying CLIL, Training – introduction to platforms (MOODLE, TEAMS, EDMODO ,KAHOOT.) Training – introduction to Moodle 08.09.2021: Training – Moodle – registration on the platform,Training – Moodle – making lesson plans,Training – Moodle – Making a quiz (testing knowledge) 09.09.2021: Workshop (Making lesson plans using CLIL, ICT, blended learning…)Meeting about The Project’s future steps, Making Plan for next LTTA. Tour around the lake Palić and the ZOO, Dinner in Palić 10.09.2021: Cultural Visit to Novi Sad, Museum Visit, Evaluation, Gala Dinner in Tavankut and Certificate Ceremony BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPEN SOURCE PLATFORM-MOODLE-Participants have shared ideas on creating a number of modules in project accessible by various
electronic devices/tablets, mobile phones, etc/and create personalized learning environments for their students. BASIC ICT TOOLS TO SUPPORT TEACHING AND LEARNING: Participants have shared ideas on using ICT devices for storing, displaying, recording text and audio data; taking photos and videos; accessing the Internet; taking selfassessment tests to get feedback. Participants have shared ideas on using various effective tools and software for customizing teaching and learning materials for different types of students and with different difficulty levels from the simplest to the most complex. LESSON PLAN: Participants worked in mixed groups to design lesson plans for chosen topics. They designed them to meet specific requirements: feasible and accessible materials for teachers and learners; different difficulty levels for the same topic; interactive activities/exercises/ presentations; self-assessment tests for feedback; room for collaboration and students´ teamwork – working on joint project; improving English language skills by learning it through CLIL and CALL methods. They presented their lessons in front of other teachers. They discussed “Let’s Make Ideas Happen”s positive impact on learners and teachers.
**This was the first meeting after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many participants, this mobility was particularly important, as it gave them hope that they would be able to continue the project. Our project was carried out in a very pleasant way thanks to this positive atmosphere established among the partner schools in this mobility that took place in Serbia. Teachers from participating schools greatly benefited from this meeting, which aimed to share examples of good practice to improve teaching methods by integrating new teaching through open source modules.They learned how to customize teaching materials to meet their students’ needs.They benefited from sharing ideas on using different software and tools to create materials that captured students’ attention and engage them in their schoolwork. Through collaborative work on sample lessons, they learned from each other how to design and produce lesson plans that would meet all given criteria. Thanks to all these achievements, the teachers helped the participating students during the project. Teachers had the chance to exchange ideas with their colleagues from different countries. They got to know a different culture and developed awareness.
