Partner Schools
Partner Schools
SERBIA: Technical Secondary School "Ivan Sarić"
The initiative to establish the Technical High School in Subotica was given by a group of engineers and technicians in April 1945. By decision of the Presidency of the National Assembly of the APV, on June 8 of the same year, the Technical School in Subotica was established. Our school established as vocational technical high school in 1945. Our students’ age ranges from 14 to 18. Ivan Saric Technical School is a secondary vocational school of regional importance for the education of students according to plans and programs for gaining III and IV degrees in the fields of work: Mechanical Engineering and Metal Processing, Electrical Engineering, Transportation, Metallurgy. In addition to 40 general purpose classrooms, school has laboratories and classrooms: In addition to mathematics, foreign language and other general subjects, the emphasis is on professional subjects such as: Programming, Operating systems, Computer networks and communications, Information systems and database, Internet technologies and services, Protection of information systems. Moreover, our school has achieved a lot of great results in competitions, from science to sports. We believe that the involvement in the Erasmus+ strategic partnership was a good chance for our students from high school classes to widen their cultural horizons, increase their learning abilities, awareness of the necessity of studying foreign languages. For several years, our school has been working to activate training courses for School / Work Alternance through a three-year plan to be implemented in the third, fourth and fifth classes using mixed paths between: internships, simulated training enterprise, financial education and E-commerce, business games, in order to promote entrepreneurship skills.
TURKEY/İstanbul: Göztepe İhsan Kurşunoğlu Anadolu Lisesi
Our school is in Istanbul-Turkey.It was founded in 1957.Our school gained the title as “Project School” in 2018 and thus all the staff at school are working on various projects both nationally and internationally.The curriculum of our school focuses on subjects such as foreign languages(English
and German ),Art, Music, History, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Physical Education, Maths, the Turkish language and literature. After graduating, a lot of our students have successfully continued their studies at different universities in Turkey and some of them in Europe. The school has started to improve its ICT by using smart boards in the classrooms. The staff is eager to update themselves to catch up with the era. The previous projects have had a huge impact on such areas as students’ self-esteem, attendance, academic progress and motivation. Contacts, especially with students all over Europe are very important to broaden their horizons not only by television or the Internet but by personal contact and raise their awareness of European citizenship.There is a chemistry laboratory, physics laboratory, computing technology classroom, library and a conference hall at school.There are 692 students at school and 53 staff. Our school is experienced in both national and international projects.We’ve now ongoing Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project which will end in 2021. It’s about healthy life style.We conducted a youth Exchange Project with Germany.During this project, Erasmus+ team will work mainly together with Arts, ICT and Language teachers.
TURKEY/Ankara:Fatih Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
At the beginning of the 1994-1995 academic year, our school started teaching in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Our school offers education in 5 different fields including Electrical-Electronics, IT, Metal, furniture and installation. Our school has 89 teachers and 1304 students. Moreover, in our
school; there are 3 social guidance teachers who specialize in critical areas such as individual relations, creativity, work-life satisfaction, and professional career. In addition, 49 “inclusive students” are trained in different fields in our school. Our school has 24 Classrooms, 1 Anchor Room, 4 Information Technology Classes, 6 Workshop Class and 3 Science Laboratories. In the field of Information Technology, our students have received international validity certificate about CISCO Systems.
Various activities are organized in our school in order to ensure the versatile development of our students. Our students participated in 56 different events organized by the school with its own facilities. Our school carried out 3 Comenius projects numbered 2005 05-TUR01-S2C01-117-1 and named “PARENTS AS EDUCATIONAL ASSURANCE FOR THEIR CHILDREN”, numbered 2010-1- DE3-COM06-10890-6 and named “Studies and Job Perspectives for our Pupils” , numbered 2013-1-FR1-COM06-49506-5 and named “Le scenario du Bonjeur”. Moreover, KA102 project was carried out by our school which is numbered 2015-1-TR01-KA102-017791 and named “To Europe For Qualified Welding”. Thanks to these project experiences at local, national and European level, our teachers ‘ qualifications in this field have improved.
ROMANIA: Colegiul National ,,Mihai Viteazul"
The beginnings of the National College “Mihai Viteazul”, Slobozia, dates back in the 1929, when the Elementary Trade School “Matei Marinescu” was born and it represented the first secondary school in the history of Slobozia. In 1936, the institution turns then into the mixt primary School nr 2 “Matei Marinescu”, and since 1948 it has been known as the Elementary School nr 2 for 7 years “Matei Marinescu”. Its actual name, The National College “Mihai Viteazul”, Slobozia, was received in 2000, as a recognition of its place among the other great national schools. Every year, its students have the best results at the school contests or Olympics, at the national exams or at the entrance examinations to higher education. But the students of this College have many other interests. They have great results at numerous sport competitions, winning lots of basketball, handball, athletics, football, chess and many other competitions. They are also interested in artistically competitions, showing their greatest talents. For many years, the francophone theater troupe of the college has been travelling around the country or Europe showing their performance, promoting the name of our school, town and county. The young scholars also got many prizes at the literary contests and festivals, their creations are being published in the cultural magazines of the county or in our college magazine, called “ANIMUS”. As a sign of appreciation of performance, our school has been organizing for many years, with the help of the local authorities, the Intercounty Mathematics Competition “Gheorghe Mihoc” and The intercounty of literary creation/essay Competition “Mihai Eminescu”.
North Macedonia: SABA
SABA is a private vocational high school established in 2007. It has four departments: Business, Administration, Computer Science (IT) and Tourism.The first year (2007) the school was opened in the capital of Macedonia,Skopje.The next year(2008) a branch was opened in Bitola.Today there are around 220 students studying at SABA.Students at SABA have the privilege to experience an educational system that is different from the public schools in Macedonia.They are focused on the field they study (business, administration, computer science or tourism)and they not only have theoretical, but also have much practical experience. SABA has a collaboration with many institutions (Universities, Banks, Insurance companies, Publishing companies,TV and Radio stations, PR and Marketing agencies, Law firms)which students from SABA often visit to get to know them better, and they also have practical placement there. During the past few years SABA is active in ERASMUS+ program, preparing and also successfully delivering projects, mainly in the field of VET learner and staff mobility. In 2019 SABA has received the Vocational Education and Training Mobility Charter. In September 2013, the Principle of SABA attended a conference for Education for Sustainable Development in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference program included 42 quality sessions given by more than 70 presenters from 16 countries in Europe and beyond. The conference portrayed a range of pedagogical angles and elements to sustainable teaching and learning.
PORTUGAL: ZENDENSINO - Cooperativa de Ensino IPRL
The Zendensino − Cooperative of Education and Public Interest of Limited Responsibility – Escola Profissional de Esposende was created in 1993, as a result of a Contract Program celebrated between the Ministry of the Education and the promotional entities, respectively the City Council of
Esposende. Zendensino is committed to the promotion of the integrated development and the improvement of Esposende dynamics, which is a geographic area directed to tourism and Restaurant Industry. Zendensino had as first goal to suppress the lacks of qualified professionals in the areas
of Tourism, Catering and Animation, contributing, in this way, for the increase of the scholar and professional certification of the region’s youth, placing in the work market technicians duly qualified.
Moreover, both management and teaching process are certified with ISO 9000 and IT department plays an important role in it as it offers courses in Microcomputer systems and networks, Computer Network Systems Management, Development of Web Applications and Development of Multi-platform Applications. For this and other reasons we are a school certified by ENIS – Europeen Innovative Schools Network. Historically, this school had a concern in terms of environmental balance and now offers a certification to the environmental level through the Eco-Schools program by ABAE – Associação Bandeira Azul Europeia (European Blue Flag Association).
