Turkey/Ankara LTT Activities

Turkey/Ankara LTT Activities

TITLE: Financial Planning and Module, Business Model Canvas, Fraud Protection

The Last LTT Activity held in Ankara/Turkey in October 2022. 03.10.2022: Welcome Activities, Ice Breakings, Presentations of schools and countries, Traditional Turkish Lunch 04.10.2022: Project Based Training- Financial Planning and SWOT Analysis, Presentation of Works 05.10.2022: Project Based Training- Fraud Protection, Workshop on Establishing the Company, Presentations of Companies 06.10.2022:Cultural Visit to Cappadocia 07.10.2022:Seminer about Entrepreneurship and Funds by The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) is the highest legal entity in Turkey representing the private sector. Certificate Ceremony, Gala Dinner FINANCIAL PLANNING: Teachers from hosting and participating schools/prepared learning material/presentations and games to introduce “how to define your personal financial goals”. Students in mixed groups learned basic information and characteristics of Financial Planning. They created their own Financial Plan to achieve their goals including advantages, disadvantages, specifications and requirements of each plan. Through brainstorming activities in each team, they decided which Financial Plan will be the best for their type of business/basics of SWOT analysis/.Students used their own financial plans they created together during online learning/teaching on project. Mixed teams debated on “Whether you’re a young person planning how to finance your education, a college graduate with some money to spend who is planning to pay off your debt, or a senior planning how to leave your assets to the next generation, financial planning is how you think ahead to make sure you achieve your goals.” FRAUD PROTECTION: Financial fraud is a growing problem in today’s world. Students in mixed groups learned basic information and characteristics of Fraud Protection and how to keep their money and their financial identity safe. These activities showed them how to protect themselves from financial fraud. Moreover, they learned “what the most common frauds and scams are, and how they work”, how to spot the warning signs that an offer or a communication may be fraudulent, how to protect your money and your financial identity” and “what to do if you, or someone you know, becomes a victim of fraud
